Thursday 10 February 2011

The angle at the circumfirence..

Yeah so at this precise moment I'm in maths next to Alice :) Niether of us are in the best of moods, so we're not getting much maths done, we're sitting here with glum faces and scowling. I'm supposed to be on methos maths atm, yeah that's going well! I don't get maths atall, pointless to be honest, all I need to know is how to count to 8 for what I want to be, the angle of x has no relevance to my life!

Sorry I haven't blogged in ages, things are crazy at the minute, NOT exactly happy. Don't understand why everyone just assumes things? Not everything I do (OR WRITE) has to have a reason to it! Blahhh :( Also, don't let boys muck you about, you end up laying in your bed crying your eyes out talking to your teddy for comfort. Not that I've done that o.O :')

Anyway, I better go, Ma'am's coming :
Ttyl, xx

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Whiskey and Port.. (featuring Juan)

This bloody tonsilitus is getting worse, and I only have one day to get myself better! :'(
If not, I'm gunna actually just kill myself basically :) ahaha, should be better though, fingers crossed! (yn)
I watched the film 'Nativity' today, and I realised, no matter how bloody much I moan about something and expect it to either carry on hurting me, or get better, it's not going to on its own. I either have to accept it and move on, or sort it out, and make it get better, therefore, I am going to start again, and this new years resolution will be a big one, as I am going to be a new 'Reanne', that's a promise.

I've got paler, I swear! and my hairs becoming more ginger, so I'm dying it darker soon, honestly no matter what colour I dye it, it ends up with a ginger tinge in it. I'm not even joking my friends :/ sadtimes, though sometimes, I like the colour. Corrr I will make up my mind!

Having a lovely little chat with Juan on facebook, (check out his blog, it's pretty cool!) and he asked me what I was doing, so I said 'Watching my family'
'LOL what they doing?' was his reply
PAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA, what a douchebag, considering my family is a television programme, and he actually thought I was sitting there gazing at my relatives, nice one Juan! :')
cracked me up, bless him.
ps- get well soon!

Anyway, I'm bored now, and gunna go change my contacts for my glasses, cos my eyes hurt :(
speak soon lovelys! xx

Monday 6 December 2010

God hates me

He actually does, just completley HATES me.
Everything is going wrong and I mean everything, I'm not gunna explain what because that would take forever, but now, to add to that everything, I now have tonsilitus, and I'm doing a show thursday and friday, bloody brilliant.
sooo, yeah, ima go to bed and die for the next 24 hours, farewell,
ps-soz this was short guys, i'm tired :(

Saturday 4 December 2010

Norman The Great Transvestie Snowman!

Me and Charlie made him today :) and he was taller than us, had one of my dresses on, and my glasses, and etcetc.. we also gave him boobs, which made him a tranny :)
Livs partaaaaay tonight, going to Roza's to get ready, much love

I'm melting in your arms

Warning..the next paragraph will be a paragraph of pure anger and jealousy.

Why is it, no matter how much I assume somethings good for me, it ends up hurting me, or making me cry, or forcing me to sit at home on the sofa and watch christmas films with my parents whilst my mum cries at the little girl forgetting christmas etcetc. I'll tell you why. Because God doesn't like to see me happy. Ever. Whenever one amazing thing/person in this case comes along, makes me feel like the happiest girl in the world, makes me feel like a princess, it all comes crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. Not even an inbox back! And why is it, one person always has to ruin it! No matter how hard I try with this ridiculous situation, they'll do exactly the same thing they did to me to another, and it bloody well hurts inside to know I'm not the only 'princess'.
Jealousy is a cruel feeling, don't let it take you over like I have.

Anyway, rants over, SNOWS MELTING. yayyy, I still want to make my snowman though, so I'll put a picture on tonight :) Should really start getting ready after I do this, Charlotte will be here at 12 so yeah, need to sort myself out as I look like the bride of frankenstien. I left my makeup at Katies last night so I'm praying to God that I don't see anyone I know today, however knowing my luck with God, I'll see everyone. I left my ballet tights at school and my exams on sunday. Dayyyyyyym, dunno what I'm gunna do, and Dalbys messed up my leotard order, so they gave me a 2 and a half, instead of a five, yeah, lets give a grown adolesance a leotard meant for a 5 year old, shall we? CLEVER ONES. Dykes.

Anyway, as you can probably tell, I'm in a dreadful mood :/
Maybe a shower will cheer me up
Lataaaaaaaaaaaaa x

Friday 3 December 2010

Where troubles melt like lemon drops..

I'm laying in my bed now, lovely and comfy, absolutley freezing however..
As you probably know, it's snowing EVERYWHERE, and I mean absolutley everywhere
It's beautiful, snow, falls so delicatley and lands silently on the already fallen sheet of white on the ground, on the other hand IT WANTS ME TO DIE. I'm clumsy enough on solid ground, but when slippery freezing cold icy stuff is put underneath my feet, my clumsiness seems to grow, and I become an even more accidentprone person than before..
'Ice doesn't help the unco-ordinated'- most relevent quote for me at this time of year?!

Remember that blog from like, september? Yeah well, this week is show week!
And wednesday was my first show as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz..
Unfortunatley, the school then closed because of the blanket of death called snow, and the shows been postponed till next week. Fun.
However, I can't wait to do it again, the first one was an amazing feeling, spent with some amazing people, and I've met more amazing people doing it, so wooo!

Going out with Charlotte tomorrow, had a bloody hugeeeee dissapointment tonight, cried a bit, so she's gunna cheer me up, how I love that girl.
Oh and Katie, Megan and I just watched Paranormal activity - Scary stuff my friend, c'ept slightly pathetic, but still, scary stuff..
I can't actually wait
like, major excitement here!
and I shall share more of it with you tomorrow :)

White blanket of death

At this precise moment I'm sitting on Katie's bed with Megan's fat head staring at the screen, and now she's staring at me in disgust. Never mind..
Anyway, it's almost Christmas! Dayyym 6 blogs since may, I'm good at this blogger thing? :')
Had a sleepover at Katie's last night with Megs and Roza, was amusing, I kept kicking katie in the night, Megan had no covers cos Roza stole them for half the night, anddd etcetc...
We're going to make a snowman family in a minute, just because we're mature..
Might be seeing Charlie tonight, me laaavs him, he's lovely :)
used love a hell of alot in that sentence..
I will, I promise I will blog more, I must remember!
I cba to write anymore, therefore, so long,x